
Do you hear “brainstorm” or “green needle” when you listen to this mind-bending audio?

It's 2015 again and people's brains are breaking. (The dress was blue, btw.)

Time is a flat circle, nothing is real, and everything has been done before. These are the key takeaways we’re getting from the latest viral TikTok video to divide the internet. ICYMI, there’s a new “yanny” or “laurel” debate happening and people are losing it.


In new TikTok video, user @emilysophie.m revived an audio clip from a couple of years ago that people hear different very different words in, either “brainstorm” or “green needle.” 

“You will only hear the word you’re reading,” states a caption in the video as Emily points to either word. “Watch it twice and try both words,” she captioned the video, which has been viewed over six million times. 

For some people, it appears to be not just reading one of the words, but even thinking about a word before listening that can change how it sounds. Others report being able to hear a combination of “brainstorm” and “green needle”— “green storm” and “brain needle.” 


But what is it actually meant to say? Well, in the original clip, posted by YouTube user Cheddar Cheese on May 16, 2018, the audio is revealed to be coming from a Ben 10 figurine. The toy is based on the character Brainstorm, so we’d say that about clears that up.

You can watch the video below for your own trippy audio experience.

Presenting the new Yanny vs Laurel:

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