In case you missed the news, Netflix officially confirmed last week that 13 Reasons Why would return for a third season.
Super fans were absolutely stoked with the news, however, with the show comes a significant amount of backlash, and there’s a growing concern that new seasons will cause more mental health problems for viewers.
The main argument is that the show is now known for its shock factor. Towards the end of the season, there is one particular episode that has trigger warnings because something very confronting happens. In the first season, it was a graphic rape and suicide scene of Hannah Baker.
The second season shows an even more graphic rape scene between Monty and Tyler, which had people up in arms after it was aired.
With a third season, will the shows focus be on addressing these issues, or topping the shock factor with an even more triggering scene? That’s the concern of mental health professionals, parents and teachers.
But now, the CEO of Netflix, Reed Hastings, has come out and defended the decision to continue the show.
“13 Reasons Why has been enormously popular and successful,” he said during the company’s annual shareholder meeting. “It’s engaging content. It is controversial. But nobody has to watch it.”
Will you be watching the third season? Let us know on Facebook.
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