Do you know what we’ve been missing from our lives recently? LITTLE MIX!
Thankfully, the girls are coming back. Teasing a brand new song in their Instagram, it’s safe to say that the world is ready for LM5.
While the teaser is only 15 seconds long, it’s already made a huge impression on us, and all their fans.
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Can we talk about the lyrics: “I don’t need a man, I put my own rock on my hand”?? YAS girls.
Fans were obviously going HAM on Twitter over the new teaser.
“It’s confirmed LM5 will be their best album,” one fan wrote, and honestly, we couldn’t agree more.
Bring it on girls.
Summer is a Digital Content Writer for GF online. When she's not listening to 5SOS on repeat you'll find her wandering through the aisles of Sephora on the hunt for the perfect highlighter.
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