You won’t BELIEVE how much cash Kim Kardashian makes per Instagram post

Hint: it's more than the president.

If you’ve ever wondered how much celebrities make off social media endorsements, look no further than Kim Kardashian West.

A recent report from a journalism website, STAT made the jaw-dropping conclusion that Kim earns more than the current president makes in a single year off of just ONE Instagram post.

STAT reached it’s mouth-watering discovery when they got their hands on a contract between medical company Duchesnay USA and Kim’s company, Kimsaprincess, which stated she would be paid half a million dollars for just ONE Insta post.


The post in particular was for a morning sickness pill back in 2015, by Duchesnay USA, the company that makes the pill, Diclegis, which allegedly prevents nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy.

From that one gram Kim earned a massive $500,000, compared to the president’s salary which is only $400,000.

That was almost 4 years ago, imagine what she gets paid now for any social media post.

Talk about making serious bank, forget running for president Kimmy K and just keep being you!


This article was originally published on InStyle

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