
Fault In Our Stars Author John Green Says He’s Done Writing Books

Fans are devastated!
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Fans of novelist John Green are crying Fault In Our Stars style tears after he announced that he’s basically done writing books. The man that made our feels all too real with Looking For Alaska and Paper Towns said the pressure has just become too much. NOOOOOO!


Taking to YouTube, he broke the news saying writing wasn’t fun anymore thanks to “this intense pressure, like people were watching over my shoulder while I was writing.”

He continued to explain, saying: “Somewhere in that period, my job stopped being Person Who Writes Books, which is a present-tense job title, and became Person Who Wrote That One Book, which is a past-tense job title.”

Sadly that’s all lead him to the decision to stop publishing his work until he learns whatever this lesson is trying to teach him as a write: “I don’t know if I’ll ever publish another book and even if I do, I don’t know whether people will like it,”

You can watch John’s full explanation below 👇


We hope he gets a new idea soon because we need more heartbreakingly beautiful quotes in our lives!!!

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