Hail to the gods of TV, your faves are returning to Teen Wolf for one last hurrah!
The latest season 6B trailer has revealed that Stiles (Dylan O’Brien) and Derek (Tyler Hoechlin) will take part in the final battle – and maaaaan is it gonna be a battle!

But that’s not all, folks!
Jackson (Colton Haynes) and Ethan (Charlie Carver) also rock up.
It’s a friggen’ miracle!

A whole lotta *mYsTeRy* had been surrounding the return of these beloved characters until now, so this announcement is the cherry on top of the finale.
The trailer also revealed that there’ll be quite a bit of ~romance~ in the final season as Malia and Scott can be seen kissing in the shower.
Feast your eyes and fangs on the glorious trailer below: