Sweet bebe Billie Eilish reveals her awks first kiss and now fans are roasting him online

RIP Henry Whitford
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Absolute legend Billie Eilish has detailed her painfully awkward first kiss with a fellow by the name of Henry Whitford, who is now getting absolutely spit-fired by a legion of Billie’s fans.

Sweet, talented, and grade-A savage Billie has mentioned Henry by name at a number of her concerts, describing the trainwreck of a date with Henry two years ago, where the gentlemanly Mr Whitford completely blew his chances with the songstress. 

For those who don’t know the story, here’s what went down. 

WATCH: Billie Eilish goes undercover to surprise her fans

Apparently Henry took Billie to go see a ‘romantic movie’ the day before Valentine’s Day, which has since been dubed ‘the worst movie ever’ by Billie. 

Good start.

As the doomed couple sat on the roof of a parking lot watching the movie, Henry and Billie shared a kiss. 

Here’s where the moment goes from cute to a big fat NOPE. 

Hot tip boyz: Do NOT piss off Billie. (Credit: Getty)

“Right after we kissed, he says ‘wow that was really not as magical at all as I thought it was going to be'”, Billie shared at one of her concerts. 

Oh Henry, sweetie…no. 

Obviously, the feedback didn’t go down to well with Billie…or her fans. 

We know it’s not nice to laugh at someone else’s pain, but in the case of Henry Whitford, the internet has really shone today. 

Well done to all. 


Anyway, happy Wednesday to everyone – except Henry Whitford. 

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