Spider-Man’s iconic arch-nemesis Venom long-awaited solo outing, starring Tom Hardy has finally arrived and it’s unfortunately not everything Marvel lovers had wished for.
Delving into the origins of an anti-hero, the films follows journalist Eddie Brock (Hardy) whose life takes a major turn when accidentally coming into contact with a creepy alien life-form called the symbiote, inheriting a sinister new alter-ego named Venom.
Fans of the classic comic character who had hoped for something dark and gory from the project will be sadly disappointed. It’s far from the dark humour and gore of Deadpool or even Hugh Jackman’s dark and gritty Logan.
It seems the powers at be tried its best to water it down for a wider audience in the hopes of eventually and somehow miraculously incorporating Venom into the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
One of the films biggest problems is its struggles to find a voice. It doesn’t know if it wants to be a comedy or thriller/horror or even find a balance in between these two genres.
What it does right, is its casting. Tom Hardy who plays Eddie proves a joy to watch, especially his banter with his symbiote alter-ego Venom. Michelle Williams also proves a treat here as Eddie’s former flame, Anne.
There’s also a nice little Easter egg for Spidey super-fans during the credits which hints at what might come next depending on how well Venomperforms at the box office.
Verdict: Nothing spectacular or mind-blowing, just simple mindless fun that could have been something much more.
Venom is now playing in cinemas everywhere.
This article was originally published on WHO