
The Bachelorette 2018 episode 4 recap

That Nathan vs. Charlie feud got HEATED.

Things are heating up in The Bachelorette mansion as tensions flare between the boys in a bid to win Ali Oejten’s heart.


First Ali surprises the boys at breakfast and Taite is worried about the colour of his pyjamas, “They’re pink,” he laments. But his worries are quickly squashed when she asks him for a single date.

Sadly for Taite, Bill steps in and decides to use his wild rose which allows him to steal the date from anyone. Taite is fuming.

Ali can’t wait to meet Taite, but then is shocked when Bill arrives. Ali admits she’s disappointed.


The pair head to the river for an afternoon of wakeboarding. “It’s so much fun!’ enthuses Ali but Bill admits he’s not very good at it.

Ali gets on the skates first and Bill is frothing at the mouth seeing her in her swimsuit. “Very Baywatch,” gushes Bill.

Back at the mansion Charlie and Taite are moaning about Bill. “Bill is not a dude she should be with!” Declares Charlie.

Meanwhile Ali is attempting to give Bill some wake boarding lessons. He’s pretty useless though at fails to get up and does a few face plants. But soon he gets up and Ali is super impressed.


“It just shows how much persistence he has,” she coos.

They then sit down for wine and cheese and a good chat about what they’re both looking for in relationships.

Bill, who is from Melbourne admits that he’d move anywhere to be with her, even Adelaide. Ali is very happy. We’re not sure if he really means it. 

He then talks about how he’s planned for kids already. “It’s so good we want the same things… Bill just makes me smile,” Ali gushes.


She hands him a rose and they engage in tonsil hockey. “He’s just perfect for me!” she enthuses.


Back at the group date the boys are put in a giant game of Guess Who?

Osher rubs his hands with glee as he knocks down the boys who have the answer least like Ali’s.


Nathan wins the round. Charlie whines that he hasn’t played ‘fair and honest’.

“It makes my blood boil,” he seethes.

They then play an auction for values that Ali deems the most important. Some unknown called Danny wins the challenge as he bet on ‘respect’ Ali’s most important value.

Danny rambles incessantly. Ali tell him ‘he’s so smart’. Danny rambles some more and then goes in for a kiss.


Ali isn’t ready and backs off. “I just need to get to know you a bit better,” she says.

There’s then a terrible awkward silence. A few tumbleweeds pass on by. 


Back at the cocktail party the boys discuss Nathan gossiping about Ali’s frisson’s with Grant Kemp.


Ali takes Nathan away for some one on one time and Charlie fumes some more.

“Nathan isn’t for Ali. I feel like she needs to know about him. I need to tell her the truth,” he seethes to the camera.

Charlie takes Ali aside and spills the tea. “In my eyes there are guys who are telling you what you want to hear.”

“Is it Bill?”


“Yes but also Nathan, he’s been spreading rumours about you…”

Ali is shocked. “Oh my god. Let me at him.”

Ali storms over to Nathan. “Tell me what happened!”


Nathan then attempts to explain about why he talked about the rumours.

“Why are people saying that you said horrible things about me?” spits Ali.

Nathan attempts to back paddle, Ali storms off.

Nathan and Charlie then have a massive confrontation. “I’m here for me, I’m here for Ali…if you’re not then there’s the door!” screams Bill.


“You’re a spiteful piece of sh**!” Yells Nathan.

Ali then sits down with Pete and Taite and they also tell her Nathan isn’t in the mansion for the right reasons.

Ali then shows Nathan the door. “This isn’t going to work. I’m sorry…it’s time for you to go,” Ali says boldly. 

Nathan is sent packing. Bye Nathan. It was fun while it lasted.


This article was originally published on New Idea

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