
Selena Gomez is officially here to creep you out

Prepare for the nightmares
Instagram - Petra Collins

We’ve all done some weird stuff in our lives (we’re looking at you and your tweets, Jaden Smith), but Selena Gomez has just taken it to a new level.


Being an artist means you can take some daring choices, but in Selena’s newest project, you can expect to see her eating eyeballs, scraping frosting off her legs and potentially kissing a prosthetic face??

Selena has once again teamed up with Petra Collins, who directed “Bad Liar” and “Fetish”. They’re shooting a film called A Love Story, and you can expect everything weird and creepy in this one.

Prepare yourself for a naked Selly in the bathtub, wearing a prosthetic face on different parts of her body…then her own face…and then goes to kiss it as well. It’s just super creepy. And kind of gross.

Watch it here, but don’t say we didn’t warn you about the nightmares.


We weren’t too surprised by the initial announcement as Petra Collins had already told Vanity Fair that the two shared similar creepy interests.

“I love The Exorcist and the things that come from inside you, the things that are a little more subtle, and things that you deal with from inwards, and I feel like it’s something Selena and I both love talking about… that topic is sort of dear to us,” she said.

What do you think of that video? Creepy, right? 


Wait until you see this prop head!!

Legit what is going on. 

Sleep well!


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