
WATCH: Rhyce Power leaks the explosive fight between him Mick from tonight’s MAFS episode!

Jessika is right in the middle of it...
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Oh snap! Married At First Sight Jessika Power’s “hot brother” Rhyce Power has broken a contract with Channel Nine, and leaked the explosive dinner fight footage from tonight’s episode…


WATCH Jessika Power’s father Troy and brother Rhyce have it out with Mick Gould on MAFS:

Sharing the video on his Instagram stories, you can see him at the dinner table with his father Troy. The pair have a very heated conversation with Mick.

“You have obviously heard what I said,” Mick previously explained in the preview released by Channel Nine. Troy states: “I’ve heard enough.”



“Who’s watching the heated dinner on MAFS tonight?” Rhyce wrote, as he watches tonight’s episode on his laptop.

Rhyce Power
(Credit: Instagram)

He says: “First impressions, first impressions… that’s why it’s so important to have all these family dinners.”


To the camera, he says: “Me and my dad are very hot-tempered. It’s a lot for us to sit down and take it as it is, but I’m glad for everyone’s sake at the table, we did.”

We cannot WAIT to see this episode. Especially since Channel Nine has released its own preview, which shows Jessika and Dan finally going on their secret date.

(Credit: Channel Nine)


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