
You’re going to cry a lot when you hear about Jughead’s fate in Riverdale

Skeet Ulrich has confirmed the sad news.

SO much just went down on the semi final of Riverdale just now, and we’re struggling to come to terms with most of it.


First of all, the Black Hood was legitimately revealed. If you want to know who it was, and hear about their epic backstory, click here.

But something even more hectic happened, and we’re not sure we’re okay.

Jughead might be dead.


To save the Serpents from a war against the Ghoulies, Jughead makes a deal with Hiram (who is responsible for the Ghlouies and Penny Peabody’s return, btw). He offers his life in exchange for the serpents safety.

That’s when we see Jughead getting violently attacked by the Ghoulies and Penny. 

FP is later seen walking out of Fox Forest holding Jughead’s lifeless body, bringing him to the Serpents.

ET actually spoke to FP (Skeet Ulrich) about the shocking turn of events, and what he has to say won’t give you any assurance that Jughead makes it out alive.


“I got a call from the writers’ room, like, weeks before they even wrote it, they were like, ‘Can you carry Cole?’ And I was like, ‘Yeah, I can carry him.'”


“It was traumatic. It’s every father’s worst nightmare when their kid’s being hurt.”

So should we be worried? “Yeah, they [fans] should be worried for sure.”



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