
Miles Heizer spills some much needed tea on ’13 Reasons Why’ Season 2

Welcome to your (second) tape.

It feels like we’ve been waiting a minute and a half… plus a whole bloody year (give or take) for the jaw-dropping next chapter of 13 Reasons Why, amirite?


And while we still have a little while to go until the second season hits up the ~new releases~ section of Netflix, we’ve just been blessed with a much needed teaser of what’s to come.

“I think [the taboo topics] are kind of in the same amount as the first season,” mega babe Miles Heizer revealed to Us Weekly.

“We’re just talking about real issues that people don’t talk about that much, but I feel like are actually talking about more, especially right now in our culture,” he adds. “I think this season’s gonna be very relevant. I’m excited for it to come out and for people to see what’s going on.”

(Credit: Netflix)

Back in January, the 23-year-old shared that he feels like 13RW is the only show on TV rn that accurately portrays what high school students go through every day.

“We all felt a responsibility to make it relatable, to convey a positive message and let kids know this stuff is not OK and that we need to talk about it, so people can get help and talk to each other about these serious issues,” he said.

“We wanted people to be able to find freedom from those issues through talking about it,” he said at the time, adding that the cast would also get together after shooting and talk about issues going on in their own lives.”


For more season 2 goss, click HERE.

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