Kendall and Kylie Jenner are no strangers to making horrible decisions, especially when it comes to offending, like, everyone.
Their most recent mistake comes in the form of a handbag shaped in the form of a Chinese takeaway box.
The words “KK Express – Los Angeles, Ca” are written across it. But it’s the name of the bag that is angering people over the actual shape. It’s called “Lee Leather Clutch,” which uses the popular Asian last name, ‘Lee’, which is not only offensive, but stupidly stereotypical.
Not to mention it totally rips off Kate spade’s 2014 clutch:
UGH, when will they learn?!
This year has been pretty rough for the Jenner sisters in terms of ripping off other people and being downright offensive in doing so… nobody will be forgetting that vintage tee debacle anytime soon…
Not to mention Kendall stepping out with the Confederate flag on her shirt.
…And when Kylie was accused of copying Destiny’s Child with their iconic camo bikini…
Mayyyybe fashion design just isn’t the road the girls are meant to go down?