The world has basically watched Miley Cyrus grow up into a woman, as she blew up into fame at age 11 when she started on Hannah Montana.
So, we’ve seen a lot of change.
In a new interview with Harper’s Bazaar, Miley talks about what it’s like growing up in the spotlight, under HUGE fan scrutiny.
“People get told that it’s a bad thing to change. Like, people will say, ‘You’ve changed.’ And that’s supposed to be derogatory. But you are supposed to change all the time… People have known me since I was so young, they think they know me. I heard so many comments like, ‘We just want Miley back.’ But you can’t tell me who that is. I’m right here,” she said.
As for the Miley that was wagging her tongue around on stage and twerking her way through life, she admits that, “I feel really kind of far away from that person. I just want people to see that this is who I am right now.
“I’m not saying I’ve never been myself. Who I was on the last record was really who I am. It’s just myself has been a lot of different people because I change a lot.”
A lot of people claim they miss the “old Miley” which refers to herself Hannah Montana days, but she’s shut that down with, “People were so shocked by some of the things that I did.
“It should be more shocking that when I was 11 or 12, I was put in full hair and makeup, a wig, and told what to wear by a group of mostly older men,” she said. “It’s no wonder that a lot of people lose their way and lose who they really are because they always have people telling them who to be.”
Er, creepy!
She just bein’ Miley!