Just because you’re a full time model, performer or singer, doesn’t always mean you want the huge glitz and glamour in your life to always be there, and Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin have told us exactly that with their wedding plans.
Hailey and Justin have been engaged for just under a week, but much to our surprise, they have already made it known that they want a low-key wedding.
We weren’t expecting anything too insane from the couple, but we also weren’t expecting their marriage plans to be as personal as they’ve announced.
A close friend or family member from the couple has told Us Weekly that even though it’s still early days of their engagement, Hailey and Justin have been “discussing having a very small wedding” because they want it to be “private” and “intimate”.
The source also told the publication their plans for where the wedding might be.
“Justin loves Canada and is at home there. It’s a special place for him and he’d love to get married there.”
So we should definitely be expecting a wedding up in Canada!
There hasn’t been an official date released for their marriage yet (I mean, it’s hasn’t been very long anyway), but will we deffs keep you posted.
We know it’s supposed to be a private event and all, but if we dressed in our Canadian best, do you think they’d let us come too? Pls, guys, we love you.