Taylor Swift‘s right hand man, Joseph Kahn may have just produced one of the best music videos of all time, but BOY is he feeling brave lately.
Not only did he drag Kimye about supporting Trump, but now, he’s coming for Beyoncé‘s Beyhive.

He wrote on Twitter, “Why is everyone afraid of the Beyhive? what can they do? Pop out of your twitter screen and force you to wear Gucci?”
Uh oh.
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As expected, fans weren’t having it.
This is not the first time you posted such foolishness. Instead of attacking fans & making racist remarks (we've all seen your old tweets)..
— BEYONCÉ LEGION 𐚁 (@BeyLegion) September 1, 2017
..act like the 44 year-old man & celebrity director you supposedly are. As for what we can do, ending your career for one. Been done before.
— BEYONCÉ LEGION 𐚁 (@BeyLegion) September 1, 2017
“This is not the first time you posted such foolishness. Instead of attacking fans & making racist remarks (we’ve all seen your old tweets)..
“..act like the 44 year-old man & celebrity director you supposedly are. As for what we can do, ending your career for one. Been done before.”
Another fan pulled out the #receipts on Joseph’s past tweets, including him come for the likes of Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Justin Bieber and more.
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Some also include racist and homophobic comments.
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