So that fan that got a public rejection from Niall Horan?
Yeah, it’s not true.
Come on, this is NIALL, guys!
Last week, Niall fan and Insta and Twitter user, Tory Appel, Tweeted a screenshot of an Instagram story vote on a pic of her and Niall.
She’d captioned the Insta poll, “Should we date?”, and screenshotted the results, with 16% of people saying “No”.
And it appeared that Niall himself had jumped on the “No” bandwagon!
She told Punkee the real truth though, once they scoped to the bottom of it.
“So, Niall didn’t actually vote. I photoshopped the photo to make it look like he voted, because I thought the concept of him voting no on a poll for a girl he doesn’t remember/met once was way too funny not to make,” Tory said.
“I would be rolling with laughter if he was actually that brutally honest and voted no. I always make silly photoshop things for my friends, so I made this in order to make them laugh.”
I mean, it deffs make sense.
I legit cannot even imagine Niall having that much savagery in him!
Even though Tory made the edit for a couple laughs amongst friends, she didn’t realise just how big of a reaction the post would get on Twitter!
“I had no idea it would get this big. Again, I figured my friends would like it and the tweet would get 70 likes if I was lucky. I still can’t believe how many people have seen and commented on it, none of the situation feels real.”
I’m kind of hoping Niall sees it himself and gets a good laugh.
Here’s hoping he won’t actually reject her if it does get to him!