Remember Phil of the Future?

How could you not? It was one of Disney’s best shows MAINLY because we were all in love with ~Ricky Ullman~ played by Raviv Ullman.
Anyway, he’s just become semi-relevant again because he’s informing the world that once upon a time he had the pleasure of making out with Kim Kardashian.
Raviv uploaded a series of shots of him and Kim from 2007, when they played love interests on an MTV show.

The caption read, “As the world burns, here’s an insane throwback from 2007 where I played a douchey VJ with awful sideburns for MTV and @kimkardashian played my girlfriend. Ellie Kemper played my boss and Adam Pally was hilarious in it. The shit you find on hard drives…#kanyegotmysloppyseconds.”
That hash tag has since been deleted, since it received a helluva lot of backlash online.

Unfortunately, it was just a pilot episode and the show never got picked up, so it never saw the light of day.
But Raviv is letting all his fans know that, “there’s like three makeout scenes.”

Raviv has since posted on Twitter semi-apologising for his hashtag remark.
“Obviously more important things going on right now, but just gotta say nothing but respect for Kim & Kanye. All in the name of silliness. .”