
Beyoncè Is Getting Slammed By Mummy-Shamers Over THIS Instagram Photo

Bey is being accused of putting her bbs at risk.

Seems like celeb mamas can’t do anything without the internet dragging them online!


As we know, Kim Kardashian and Chrissy Tiegen cop flak for their parenting skills all the time and now Beyoncè has come under fire for her latest Instagram post.

The mother of three took to IG to share a pic where she was enjoying some red wine and did not go over well with the internet.

People are furious with the singer as she is currently breast feeding her newborn twins Rumi and Sir Carter and apparently drinking alcohol will infect the milk.


“You feed your children with your breast, why do you drink!?” One IG user wrote.

“If she is nursing babies, wine ain’t good,” another fan wrote.

But the haters weren’t just limited to her Insta comments, they also took to Twitter to slam the star.


How about we stop telling people how to raise their children and let them do it their way.

Just a thought…


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