
Everything You Need To Know About Butt Pimples

Those pesky things.

We know. Pimples are bad enough when they’re on your face… so when they start popping up on your butt it can be an absolute nightmare.


So what are they, and how can you deal with them? Read along my pretties.

Don’t pick at them

We know it’s tempting to try and pop a pimple, however this rule applies to every pimple ever. Just don’t do it!!!! Especially because…

They’re not actually pimples!

Yep, they’re not really pimples. Pimples occur when a pore gets clogged with either oil or bacteria. The bumps that appear on your butt are folliculitis — which are an inflamed or infected hair follicle. 

Try acne products

Folliculitis can go away on its own, and usually will, but if you’re desperate, you can use acne products. And they’ll help.

Avoid wearing clothes that you’ll sweat in

Sweaty and damp fabrics are the best place for bacteria to breed, so try to avoid those. If you work out, change into dry clothes immediately after you finish. 



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