Why You Might Be Experiencing Pain When You Use A Tampon
If you're finding it hurts to use a tampon you might need to change up your approach.
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At home hacks to help subside period pain so you can have some well-deserved relief
Because sometimes the pain is just too much!
Facts Are Facts: Pleasuring Yourself When You’re on Your Period Is Self-Care
A bit of masturbation per day helps the pain go away.
EXCLUSIVE: Bridget Hustwaite On Living With Endometriosis
“Period is not a dirty word. Periods are normal. Period pain isn’t normal."
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How to track your menstrual cycle
And what to do if it's out of whack.
Viral Twitter thread proves men are completely clueless when it comes to periods
"I met a guy once who thought that women could turn it off and on like a tap."
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Sitting for long periods can reduce blood flow to brain, study says
Another win for walking.
Fatigue is a commonly under-recognised symptom of endometriosis, study says
The disease affects one in ten Australian women.