
Taylor Swift Is Set To Appear In Court To Testify Against Disgraced Former DJ

Tay is suing the DJ for "groping" her in 2013.
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Taylor Swift‘s court trial against Colorado DJ David Mueller who groped her at a meet-and-greet in 2013 is set to begin on August 7.


According to The Denver Post, Taylor will appear in court throughout the course of the trial to testify against the disgraced musician.

“Ms. Swift … will testify at trial, that (radio talk show host David) Mueller ‘put his hand under (her) dress and grabbed her,'” the motion reads.

Court documents claim that Taylor and Mueller have discussed potentially settling the case.


“Counsel for the parties have no current plans to hold future conferences, but are open to continuing settlement discussions.”

More on this will be revealed as the case goes to trial on August 7.

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