
Kanye West feared for his life during his controversial breakdown

“I thought I was going to get killed.”

While most peeps were getting a kick out of Kanye West‘s bizarre public breakdown, the rapper reveals that he feared for his life the whole time.


We’re not talking about his current breakdown and Twitter tirade, we are referring to his 2016 drama which resulted in cancelled tour dates and the rapper’s hospitalisation.

“The moment when you’re in a hospital bed and you’re next to your friend and you tell them, ‘Don’t let this person leave my side,’ and they put you inside of an elevator and take all your friends away from you? That was the scariest moment of my life,” West told iHeartRadio’s “The Breakfast Club” on Power 105.1. “I thought I was going to get killed.”

He added, “My wife wasn’t in town, so I told [my friends], ‘Don’t leave my side until my wife gets here.’ And they have this moment where they’re forced to leave your side, and that has to change … I can’t express to you how traumatizing that moment is, and then you wake up drugged the f—k out.”


He went on to explain that the meltdown was a result of exhaustion from touring and “manipulation — being a pawn in a chess [game] of life.’

“I think I’m in a stronger place than I ever was after the breakdown, or as I like to call it ‘the breakthrough,’” he adds. “I’m happy [the breakdown] happened. I’m happy to have gone to the other side and back.”

If you or someone you know needs help, you can speak confidentially to a trained counsellor 24 hours a day at or Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800. 


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