Attention wannabe entrepreneurs! 15 year-old Issy Dymalovski is the owner and founder of teen skincare range Luv Ur Skin, which is stocked all over Australia. She tells us what it took to get her biz up and running.
Tell us about what inspired you at such a young age to take the step from skin care advocate to teenpreneur?
Well it’s actually a bit of a funny story! I never really started it with the intention of it becoming an actual business. It really was more of a side hobby, developing products for myself, until I took some of the products into school to get feedback from some focus group I had put together and the girls became really interested and wanted to know where they could buy them so they could look after their skin. That’s when I had my lightbulb moment of “oh, this can actually become a business!”
Tell us what sets your skincare apart from other brands on the market.
Well the first thing that sets my brand apart is that it is tackling a market that wasn’t really prominent before. When I originally started this the business, there were only baby products (0-5), teen products (16-18) and adult products (18+) and there was really nothing for girls in that in-between age that were too old to use baby products but were also way too young to be using harsh, teen acne products. So one of the things that really sets Luv Ur Skin apart from the rest of the market is that it truly caters for young and sensitive skin. It’s also an all natural, Australian made skincare range. Probably the biggest thing that sets the brand apart is that it is created by a girl (me!) for girls which is really helpful when it comes to developing products because I know what young, developing skin needs because I’m going through all myself.
You started your brand while tackling school and other activities – how did you manage to take on so much?!
Well I was very lucky when I started the business because I was at an age where there wasn’t a lot of out of school work required so I’ve been able to adjust and ease myself into the increasing workload each year. Honestly, it’s just a juggling act that I’ve had to master! But I have to say that it has led to some pretty crazy and fun experiences! I can officially say that I’ve missed a day of school to sponsor a fashion show in Sydney, that at the end of the year I was able to do my English exam and quickly run off afterwards to speak at an event with Cricket Victoria and that I’ve been in Girlfriend magazine all before I was able to drive!
You’ve come so far, what goals and ambitions do you have moving forward?
Well over the past 6 months I’ve tackled my main goal of selling my products in the USA, which is really exciting, and at this stage we should be available in India by the end of the year which is just crazy! But my main goals moving forward are to expand the company, add more products and probably my biggest goal in the next year is to try and tap into the European market.
What challenges have you faced along the way?
One of the hardest things about launching the business (apart from the funding) was definitely my age. It has been quite a huge obstacle along the way from going into business meetings as a 9 year old and having no one really listen to me because of my age, to having international business meetings online at midnight on a school night! Age has always been a struggle along the way but so far I’ve just had to push through, and I have to say at some points, although it has been my biggest weakness it has also come in handy! Without it I wouldn’t be able to say I was the youngest person ever to appear on Shark Tank Australia, the youngest person to ever have their products in Priceline and I wouldn’t be able to say that I am the youngest Australian entrepreneur to launch their business in the USA!
What message could you give to other young teens who have great ideas and want to pursue them?
Go for it! If you don’t you’ll always regret not giving it a go. I’m a massive believer in diving headfirst into things and putting 110% effort in, even if it’s something like speaking at an assembly. I’ve learnt along the way that it’s always better to have given something a shot, even if in the end it doesn’t work out quite as you would have liked it too! Even if you try it and fail miserably (speaking from experience…) at least you will have picked up some life lessons along the way and you can look back on it one day and say, “well that didn’t work but at least I gave it a red hot go and I know not to do it again!”
How do you think the next generation of girls your age can change the world?
I think the next generation of girls my age will change the world with their passion, drive and intelligence. We are living in an amazing age where girls are speaking out more than ever about issues in society they are passionate about and doing things that they love without fear. I think we are in a really good place at the moment for the girls of the future to change and shape the world and I can’t wait to see it and hopefully be a part of it!