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Cheat’s Guide To Accepting Compliments

Without cringing!
Brooke Cagel/UnSplash

Compliments are supposed to give you those feel-good vibes, but sometimes you can’t help feeling totally awks when someone dishes out positive comments. Here’s how to up your confidence game and accept praise like a boss minus the cringes!


Say thank you

“When someone compliments you, a simple ‘thank you’ shows them you appreciate them, which makes them feel good about themselves as well! It’s almost like they’re drawing half a heart and being gracious, so saying thank you is like completing that drawing to make a full heart!”

Own it

“Concentrating on all the positive things about yourself is so important. We tend to focus on what’s ‘wrong’ with us instead of all the wonderful things about ourselves, so when someone else says something positive about you, it’s especially important to embrace it!”

Stop with the neg vibes

“Being able to accept your own compliments is just as important as being able to accept someone else’s. Sometimes it’s hard to stop the negative thinking, but next time you find yourself being self-critical, stop and think about five things you love about yourself instead. You’ll only be able to accept the compliments that you think you deserve, so work on giving yourself compliments and it will make accepting them from others way easier!”

Don’t turn it down

“It’s important to remember that a compliment is also an opinion. So turning one down is a bit like telling someone, ‘No, you’re wrong!’ and it could end up offending them. If you really disagree, try saying something like, ‘It’s flattering you think that, thank you.’”

Pay it forward

“If there’s something you like about someone, tell them! A big problem in today’s society is it’s way too common to be critical about yourself. By paying a compliment forward, you’re helping reverse that type of thinking and changing society little by little. Plus it can totally brighten someone’s day!”


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