Dance Moms star Abby Lee Miller has built her career on causing arguments with other people (namely the parents of young dancers) so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the newly incarcerated star has gotten into a fight with her inmate.
A source from inside the prison facility spoke out about the fight to Radar Online.
“Abby Lee was involved in a shouting match with another inmate on Saturday morning. The woman shouted at her that ‘She ain’t s–t!” The insider claimed.
“The woman Abby got into the argument with was just tired of seeing and hearing her cry in the multi-room.”

But unlike in Dance Moms, this fight was strictly verbal and no one was physically harmed.
“Although neither one of them got an infraction, it did cause a stir and counselors came into the room to intervene. But by then the tiff was already over,” the insider revealed.
The star is reportedly not taking her sentencing very well, as the source added that Miller has been hysterical since she entered the prison.
“All she really does is sit in her bunk, read trashy romance novels that she got from the library, and sob!”
Well as they say, don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time!
Abby has just started her 366-day prison sentence, hopefully she learns to adjust soon enough.