Your lurve zone is sending you all kinds of curve balls this week and you’ll be looking at boys who are totally wrong for you with rose-coloured glasses. Think hard about the boys you choose to invest your time in. Just ‘cos he’s cute doesn’t mean he’s worthy of you!
As OTT Jupiter challenges Venus, you may accidentally overshare or even worse, word vomit. Beware of your communications with other peeps and think before you speak to avoid spilling too much tea.
It’s important for you to be a confident queen at all times, but there is such a thing as over confidence (also known as cockiness). Avoid rushing into things and inserting yourself into positions where you don’t feel comfortable or you could suffer a hit to your rep.
You’re one sensitive gal and have been burned by baes in the past so as your love sign peaks this week, make wise decisions when it comes to matters of the heart to avoid getting burned again. Just do what feels right to you!
Something tells us your priorities are out of wack RN, Leo. Are you spending too much time with the squad and not enough with your fam? Are you taking on too many shifts at work and putting off your assignments? It’s time to get yourself back on track to avoid nasty consequences!
You’ll find yourself running out of funds this week, Virgo so we recommend reeling in the spending and try and earn more dollar, dollar bills. Maybe volunteer yourself for more chores to earn some pocket money or look for an after school job. It’ll be taxing (no pun intended) but you can’t let the good times roll without putting in the hard yards!
You’re about to take a ~huge~ risk this week Libran and before you do we want you to ask yourself: what are the consequences of taking this chance? Are the rewards worth the risk? Dream big, but be smart. You can do it!
A miscommunication could lead to a falling out with someone so we recommend taking a softer approach to the sitch rather than going in with all guns blazing. Even if this means sitting it out for a while and approaching the problem when you’re nice and calm. Whatever’s necessary!
You are one independent chick but this week you need to learn the values of teamwork whether this is in your squad, at home, work or school. Remember, there’s power in numbers and sometimes it’s more fun to take on other people’s points of view rather than just relying on your own!
You’ve been sacrificing your own needs for other peeps for way too long and you’re starting to become resentful. Learn the magic of saying “no” in a tactful way this week to avoid a blow up.
You may not realise it, but you’re currently (or about to be) V judgemental of a certain someone in your life. Try to tone back the judgement and be more understanding of other peeps ‘cos you’d expect the same from them right? Right!
You’re burning way too much cash to try and fit in, whether this means buying too many Kylie Jenner Lip Kits or spending too much on squad hangs. Try reining in the spending or you’re gonna find yourself flat broke in no time. Not cute!