It’s no secret that this year has been disruptive, anxiety-inducing and stressful. As a large portion of the country remains stuck indoors, digesting a news cycle dominated by COVID case numbers and lockdown restrictions, it can get incredibly overwhelming and disheartening.
WATCH: 7 Chill Yoga Poses to Ease Anxiety
And, for some, this is on top of school work, exams, part-time jobs and other responsibilities. It’s a lot. And when so many things are racing around our minds, it can be hard to wind down.
So, we’ve compiled a list of ways to help ease your anxieties in this stressful time. Whether it be meditation, switching off completely, or asking a friend R U OK?, here is Girlfriend’s guide to clearing your mind and anxiety from the doom and gloom of 2021.
Switch off
First things first, if you are seeing things online that overwhelm and trigger you, take a step back and log off for a bit. Not only will you be able to get in touch with your surroundings and ground yourself, but it will give you some space from the negative energy and news. Btw, if you ever have a panic attack, psychologists recommend naming five objects around you to help ground you in your reality.
It may sound silly but breathing techniques and practising mindful meditation really helps. There are a tonne of meditation videos on YouTube.
WATCH: The benefits of meditating (Article continues after video)
Go for a walk, AirPods or not
Going for a COVID-safe walk and being one with nature helps calm our mind. According to a report in ScienceAdvances, studies have continuously shown that being surrounded by nature and greenery improves your mood and mental well-being. If you don’t live close to a national park, even just a walk around the block does a body and mind good.
Watch your faves
If you’re finding that the current political climate and the news overwhelming, distract yourself with something you enjoy. Whether that’s a favourite book, TV show on Binge, game or podcast, engage in something that’s not related to the world outside or even a part of the world you didn’t know about. If you’re looking for a new podcast, we have a whole guide to the best pods for teen girls here.
Treat yourself
Whether it’s eating your favourite meal or having a bath and putting on a face mask, do something that makes you feel good.
Spend time with your friends (virtually)
We already know that going on a holiday with your BFF is good for your health, but did you know just chatting on a video call with them will replenish you, too? Not only can you talk about your problems with your friends and distract yourself, but it also gives you a sweet kick of serotonin.
Not only that, with R U OK? day falling on this Thursday, there has never been a better time to start a conversation with a friend who may be struggling.
The official R U OK? website encourages you to follow these four steps when it comes to reaching out:
1. Ask R U OK?
2. Listen
3. Encourage action
4. Check in
Talk to an expert
If you’re still feeling overwhelmed or even if you want to talk to someone about this year, your mental health, or even fears of the future, know that there are literally hundreds of people who are ready and willing to chat.
Contact Beyondblue — 1300 22 4636, Lifeline — 13 11 14 and Kids helpline — 1800 55 1800. If you or someone you know is in danger, call 000.
Have a question for Dolly Doctor? Drop us an email –
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