What is the inspiration for SHAWN MENDES Signature?
I knew when making my fragrance that I wanted to do something different and unique. I wanted to make something for all of my fans, that really represents the relationship I have with them, and that also fits in line with the authenticity that I strive for when making my music.
Did you include any of your favourite scents?
We felt like we needed to do something to give a nod to Canada and my home, so we put a bit of Sugar Maple Accord in the scent.
Why did you name it Signature?
I named it Shawn Mendes Signature because I wanted it to have a very personal touch. We worked really hard to perfect it and get everything about the packaging, fragrance, and bottle exactly right, as something that really represents me.
What about Danny Clinch made you want to work with him on your fragrance campaign? What was it like working with him?
Working with Danny was an incredible experience. His photos and work are just stunning and are such a part of rock history. I wanted someone with that touch to be able to bring this campaign to life.
How do the campaign videos relate to the fragrance concept?
I wanted to spend a day with Danny capturing little segments of my life on the road, to keep it as real and organic as possible. Instead of shooting a big staged ad campaign, it just felt right to have someone help bring the fragrance to life through my everyday life, and to be able to use this campaign to give people a bit more of a look into what drives me every day.
What was your favourite part about the shoot—any particular moments or scenes?
Just driving through Dublin when we arrived in the city on the tour bus felt so special. It’s such a songwriter city with such an amazing rock history, and being on that bus with Danny just taking it in was really special.