My modelling dream would be…
Walking the shows of Milan, Paris and New York. Especially Victoria’s Secret.
My best posing tip is…
Be yourself and know your best side and features so you can show them off in your shoot.
The beauty products you’d find in my bag are…
Eyebrow pomade, lip balm and an eyelash curler.
My best beauty secret is…
Wash your face daily so your face is clean and clear.
My fave thing to do with my friends is…
Take photos of each other and watch Netflix.
And my ultimate girls night would consist of…
Netflix, tTaking pictures of each other with the music pumping and us all gossiping.
When I’m getting ready to go out I turn up…
My fave YouTubers are…
Shane Dawson, Jake Paul and Wolfie Raps.
If I had a magic power, it would be…
My greatest fear is…
If I could change the world in one way, I would…
Make sure everyone is seen as equal and the world to come together as one.
The best advice I can share is…
Don’t compare yourself to others because everyone is different and we are all beautiful in our own way.