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Fashion Label Boohoo Under Fire For Using Size 6 Model For Plus Size Range

People aren't happy.

Online retailer Boohoo is copping it hard on Twitter, because of the model’s they’ve used to display their plus size range.




Yeah, they’re deffs not plus size AT all, and customers are voicing their anger.


Customers are calling for the site to get some actual plus size models to model the clothing, which should have been in place to begin with tbh.



They’re even listed on the site to be a size 6.

However, the drama doesn’t end there. To make matters worse, they’re accusing Boohoo of a “fat tax” as they charge more for plus size clothing.


Boohoo reps told that the size 6 label on the site was actually a mistake, as it was meant to read “16”. 

“At boohoo we pride ourselves on our inclusivity and our ability to provide great fashion for all shapes and sizes. We have an abundance of talented females leading our workforce and being a company that empowers women is extremely important to us.”

“Unfortunately we recognize that the fashion industry can be perceived as ‘sizeist’, and there remains issues within product development processes and supply chains that can sometimes mean that larger clothes cost more money. We would never want someone to feel ‘shamed’ by a price difference in clothing and we are constantly working towards pricing parity where we can offer it.”

Well, there ya go.


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