
Taylor Swift’s Mum Broke Down In Tears Over Her Daughter’s Groping Trial

Noooo 😢 😢 😢

Taylor Swift is currently in a trial against former radio DJ David Mueller after accusing him of groping her during a meet and greet in 2013.


Taylor has yet to take the stand, but on Wednesday, her mother Andrea took to the stand to give her emotional testimony…

“I knew what happened, I heard it from her, I heard it from my daughter’s mouth. He sexually assaulted her, right there, that guy,” Andrea said, while pointing at David E! News reports.

She started to cry multiple times, stating that Taylor told her, “Mom, a guy just grabbed my ass in the meet and greet.

“She couldn’t believe that after he grabbed her, that she thanked them for being there,” Andrea continued. “It was just destroying her that she said that . . . as a parent it made me question why I taught her to be so polite in that moment.”


Taylor’s mum also explained that when she and Tay spoke about what happened, they decided not to tell the police at the time, as they believed it would “define” Taylor’s life in the coming years. Yikes.

“I did not want her to have to live through the endless memes and GIFs and anything else that tabloid media or trolls would be able to come up with . . . making her relive this awful moment over and over again,” Andrea continued. “I was upset to the point where I wanted to vomit and cry at the same time.”

Davis is currently suing Taylor for ‘slander’, claiming that the groping allegations have ruined his career.

Taylor countered with a battery and sexual assault suit, arguing that it will “serve as an example to other women who may resist publicly reliving similar outrageous and humiliating acts.”


David is asking for $3 million in damages, but Taylor is asking for only $1.

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