In case there was any doubt left in your minds, Taylor Swift just slithered in to confirm that TS6 is almost friggen’ here!
Over the weekend, the elusive singer erased everything from her social media accounts which led peeps to believe she was up to something.
Now, she has shared a freaky AF vid of a snake to her Instagram, Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter pages.
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) August 21, 2017
It didn’t take fans long to connect the dots and realise that this is a direct reference to Tay’s 2016 fall from grace after #SnapchatGate when Kim Kardashian shared receipts that Tay had lied about not being aware of Kanye West‘s song about her.
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At the time, #TaylorSwiftIsOverParty started trending on Twitter and Taylor earned herself a not-so-friendly nickname: a snake.
People were flooding social media with snake emojis and Taylor/snake related memes were literally everywhere.
Now, in true Taylor fashion, it looks like she’s using the experience as the theme of an upcoming song or perhaps her album.
We are so damn here for it, and so is the rest of the internet!
Haters: taylor swift is a snake
— andrea (@moonsroses) August 21, 2017
Taylor: *posts a video of a snake*
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miss taylor swift is using the whole snake thing to promote her future #1 multi platinum grammy award winner hit
— anna (@cruelsunmer) August 21, 2017
The Internet: Taylor Swift is an evil, lying snake & we hate her!!!1
— suzie samin (@suzannesamin) August 21, 2017
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