
There’s A Secret Hidden Message In Taylor Swift’s Snake Videos That’ll Have You Shook

Did you spot this!?

If, like us, you have watched Taylor Swift‘s snake videos on repeat a gazillion times, you may have noticed a hidden clue in the vid.


Or not, ‘cos it’s super friggen’ hard to spot!

Eagle-eyed fans have noticed that the scaly tail holds a hidden message.


Ready for this?

Turns out a ‘2’ and a ‘5’ are inscribed on the tail, meaning that the first single very well could be dropping this Friday!

Well, Friday in the US, most likely it’ll be Saturday in Australia.


Sneaky Tay, sneaaaaaaaky!

Meanwhile, more vids are set to be unveiled to complete what is rumoured to be a snake or a dragon, so stay tuned for more clues!

taylor gif

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