
How Sophie Turner Learnt Most Of Her Sex Ed On Set Of ‘Game Of Throne’

Makes sense, tbh.

If you’ve ever watched Game Of Thrones with your parents, then you’ve probably experienced enough awkwardness to last a lifetime.


Why? Because damn does that show hold a lot of sex scenes.

So imagine how it would have felt for Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) and Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) when they were only 15 and 14 joining set.

In an interview with Times’ Magazine, Sophie opened up about growing up on the show, and how those sex scenes taught her a lot.

“The first time I ever found out about oral sex was from reading the script,” Sophie said. “I was like… ‘Wow! People do that? That’s fascinating!’. I guess that was my sex education.”



But, she’s also been involved in some heavier scenes in the show that display sexual assault and violence.

“Sexual assault wasn’t something that had affected me or anybody I knew, so I was pretty blasé about the whole thing,” she said. “Naively so. And then I shot the scene, and in the aftermath there was this huge uproar that we would depict something like that on television.”


After that scene, she wasn’t sure whether or not airing it was the right idea. “My first response was like, maybe we shouldn’t have put that on screen at all.”

However, after time she has realised it is important to shock the audience, as it starts an important conversation.

“The more we talk about sexual assault the better, and screw the people who are saying we shouldn’t be putting this on TV and screw the people who are saying they’re going to boycott the show because of it,” she said.

“This sort of thing used to happen and it continues to happen now, and if we treat it as such a taboo and precious subject, then how are people going to have the strength to come out and feel comfortable saying that this has happened to them?” Sophie concluded.


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