If you’ve managed to pick yourself up off the floor after rolling around with laughter at Chelsea Handler‘s interview with Harry Styles, first of all welcome back!
Second of all, you *may* have noticed that not all Harry girls were quite as fond of the interview.
Loads of fans have taken to Twitter to express their disappointment with the chat and some have even blasted comedian Chelsea Handler for being “rude” to Harry.

Here’s the deal, Chelsea Handler is known for being a sassy AF gal who pushes the boundaries with her comedy and despite the comments that she was “rude”, Harry was giggling the whole way through so he was obvs enjoying the interview.
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Just sayin’!
Why do all Americans assume British people are from London FFS
— Idon'tbelieveit (@VictorMeldreww) July 18, 2017
Doubt it mate she assumes he's from London then says he cannot be from the northwest it's north or west, #ignorant.
— Idon'tbelieveit (@VictorMeldreww) July 18, 2017
Dude chill, she's joking😂
— irene (@uniqueeniall) July 19, 2017
Same here. While I watched I thought heey, why are you so rude to him? No smiles, no kindness, no real questions…
— dobidori (@dobidori) July 19, 2017
I think it's just the American sense of humour but I thought the same about the interview. I was amazed people were calling this the best
— gee (@seoulofkoya) July 19, 2017
Interview ever when to me it seemed so boring and the questions she asked she could have just researched online rather than waste his time
— gee (@seoulofkoya) July 19, 2017
It’s just comedy people, calm yourselves!
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