This morning, we at Girlfriend were absolutely #blessed by the presence of our Irish prince, Niall Horan.

Niall is down in ‘Straya right now doing some special promo for his upcoming album, and yes, “Slow Hands” is just as ~steamy~ IRL as it is on the radio. If not more so.

Waking up at 5am has never been more worth it, as we got to watch our bae rehearse backstage, and there are a few peculiar things we GOTTA tell you all.
Firstly, he has his own, custom teapot THING that has a straw through the top of it. We have no idea what the hell was in it, or why he doesn’t just use a regular water bottle, but it was the most #extra thing we’ve ever seen. You do you Neil.
Secondly, the way he eats a banana is unholy. UNHOLY.

Unfortunately, no photos were allowed during rehearsal, otherwise we would have captured dat zoomed in and all.
Thirdly, he had an adorable outfit change where he donned his big old hat and country boy denim jacket before hitting the stage.
When the cameras were rolling, Niall kicked off the show by showing off his #skillz with a fidget spinner (in which was later thrown to us at the crowd – see below pic), and even jumped into Karl Stefanovic’s arms.
It. Was. Beautiful.

We’re very into that butt grab & tap Karl. Good job.
We could go on and on about how adorable he is, but you already know that. Although, seeing him so up close and personal was definitely a reminder of how precious he really is.
Especially when he was wiggling his backside like this:
Our Instagram Stories captured his full performance of both “Slow Hands” and “This Town,” but we will post a few vids below for your viewing pleasure.
SIDE BAR: There were also two really hot cameramen: