While Disney films are often filled with songs and dance numbers, there are also a number of life lessons wrapped up in these movies. And because they are basically all we watched as kids, we learned quite a few lessons from movies like Snow White, Dumbo, and Finding Nemo.
Money can’t buy you happiness
You only need to watch Cinderella to see that money won’t make you happy. Cinderella’s stepmother and stepsisters were rolling in $$$ but they were still terrible people who weren’t particularly happy. In fact, they were more interested in social climbing than finding true love. While money gives you the ability to buy food and shelter, it won’t make you feel happy and whole.

Your differences are your strengths
When you’re younger, the last thing you want to feel is different. But, Disney does a great job at reminding you that your differences are actually what make you interesting and they are your strengths. Remember when sweet bb angel Dumbo hated his ears because they were so big? Well, this cutie was able to use those ears to fly! NBD. Embrace your differences and remember that they make you special.

Don’t settle for less
Disney films always show killer love stories and while it’s not always realistic, it’s pretty dreamy to watch. The one thing we love about Disney’s love stories is that the gal always waits for her dream guy and doesn’t settle for second best. In Beauty and the Beast, Belle could’ve easily shacked up with Gaston at the beginning. Not only was he wealthy but he was well known in their town and could have provided her a nice life but he was a total douche and Belle realised that. She had zero interest in the dude because she didn’t like him or his personality. This left her open to falling for the Beast, which was her true love.
You gotta keep going
We have Dory to thank for our life motto, which is “Just keep swimming”. Life isn’t always great and fun – sometimes you go through periods that are hard and crappy but things do work out and get better but you’ve got to keep going and just keep swimming.

Lying just doesn’t work
Pinocchio probably taught us the most valuable life lesson: lying doesn’t get you far. Pinocchio’s little nose shows that one lie leads to another and eventually, you end up in hot water. Simple but effective, right?