
Lena Dunham Abandoned Her Rescue Dog And Lied About His Abuse

Now she's going head to head with the animal shelter... whut?!

Lena Dunham has come under fire (again) by basically everyone, this time about her rescue dog Lamby.


A word of advice for anyone… the internet will probably always take the side of an animal, especially if they find out you lied about their “past abuse”.

To catch everyone up to the drama, four years ago Lena adopted a rescue dog named Lamby, which, of course led her to write a 5,000 word essay about it in the New Yorker.

The essay included details like Lamby was biting people and that he had three previous owners and three previous names.

Now, last month Lena let the world know that her time with Lamby was over, as she was giving him up. Well she was sending him to “an amazing treatment facility in L.A.”


She claimed to know a lot about Lamby’s past abuse, but after a Yahoo contacted BARC shelter in Brooklyn, they basically dragged all her claims to hell.

“We checked the records for Lamby,” Robert Vazquez told Yahoo Celebrity.

“He was ‘owner surrendered, not enough time,’ so we do not know where she got ‘multiple owners that abused the dog.’” (In her New Yorker piece from March 2013, Dunham said the dog had “three other homes, three other names, but now he’s mine mine mine.”)


“When she adopted the dog from us, it wasn’t crazy,” Robert continued. “I have pictures of the dog loving on Lena and her mom, which is weird if the dog was abused. It wouldn’t be cuddling with her or be in the bed with her ‘boyfriend’ in the pages of Vogue.” 

“Because I’ve been in-charge of the dogs for the last 14-15 years at BARC. If Lamby had a bad past or was abused, do you think BARC would have adopted him to Lena knowing she’s a new star and put her — or the dog — in that situation? We would have told her if the dog had issues. We are a no-kill shelter. We don’t lie about the dogs’ histories because that gets them returned — and mentally it’s not good for dogs….

“It’s just hard to believe the dog was nasty when she took Lamby to every green room with her when ‘Girls’ was still a thing 4 years ago.”


It’s interesting that Lena got herself two new dogs, which are puppies and need a heck of a lot of training at attention.

After the shelter shot all her claims down, she then went on to wage war with them through Instagram.

“It’s come to my attention that the staff at the shelter where I adopted Lamby have a very different account of his early life and behavioral issues than I do. While I’m sorry to have disappointed them, I can’t apologize. Lamby was and is one of the great loves of my life.


“When I met him I knew we’d have an amazing journey. But his aggression – which was unpredictable- and his particular issues, which remain myriad, weren’t manageable, at least not by me. I did what I thought the best mother would do, which was to give him a life that provided for his specific needs.

“He’d been with me for nearly four years and I was his mom- I was in the best position to discern what those needs were. After countless hours of training, endless financial support and a lot of tears he was given access to a better life. I still support him financially and I’ll always be there for him in every way but he’s notably happier in his new surroundings.

“Why should this story be subject to scrutiny and anger? It is willfully misunderstanding the truth. I hope those judging can imagine the incredible pain of letting go of your favorite creature on EARTH because you know you can’t help them be healthy and happy.

“I would never say an unkind word about the staff of BARC, what they do is amazing and life saving for these animals- but we have different accounts of Lamby’s behavior and they were not present in my home nor did they live with him for an extended period.


“They did not witness the consistent and responsible care I provided. I have weathered a lot of micro-scandals but this one hurts MOST, because of the vulnerability of letting people know Lamby and my story, and because I miss him so damn much.

“This is the painting that greets me every day when I walk into my home. This is the animal who taught me about loving and letting go. I know I’m a lot of fun to place your issues on, but I won’t let anyone hang their hat on this peg. Not this time.


Fans are pretty mad at her.


“Horrible human being, dog is better off,” one person wrote.

“So getting two dogs from a breeder is the logical next step.”

“It sounds like Lamby is so much better off in his new home. He obviously was not happy with this woman. I pray other pets she adopts do not eventually become this unhappy as Lamby was.”

“Umm I believe you’re supposed to give the dog back to the shelter? Not re-home yourself? And there’s good reason for that. And you’re not saving a dog by re-homing them. God I am beyond disappointed in you.”


Below are her two new pooches.

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