Kanye West has built his persona from being a wildly self-obsessed and ignorant individual, however it has only been recently that people are holding him accountable for his words.
Most of the problematic things that have come out of Kanye’s mouth have been in the past referred to as “profound” or “inspirational” but now, with his unwavering support of Donald Trump, people are standing up to the rapper.
One icon in particular being Lana Del Ray.
This week, Kanye posted a selfie on Instagram wearing a MAGA hat.
“This represents good and America becoming whole again,” he wrote in the caption. “We will no longer outsource to other countries. We will build factories here in America and create jobs. We will provide jobs for all those who are free from prisons as we abolish the 13th amendment. Message sent with love.”
The funniest/most horrendous part of his caption is where he talks about abolishing the 13th amendment, the same amendment that outlawed slavery.
After his comments about slavery being a “choice”, and now this new puzzling exclamation, he tried to clear up his statement by tweeting that “the 13th amendment is slavery in disguise.”
However our queen Lana wasn’t having it, deciding to tear him a new one in the comments instead.
“Trump becoming our president was a loss for the country but your support of him is a loss for the culture,” our queen commented. “I can only assume you relate to his personality on some level. Delusions of Grandeur, extreme issues with narcissism – none of which would be a talking point if we weren’t speaking about the man leading our country. If you think it’s alright to support someone who believes it’s OK to grab a woman by the pussy just because he’s famous-then you need an intervention as much as he does-something so many narcissists will never get becuase there just isn’t enough help for the issue. Message sent with concern that will never be addressed.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
Kanye, it’s time to do better.