
Kylie Jenner Has Covered Up That Tattoo She Once Got For Ex-Boyfriend Tyga

It didn't stop her from getting a matching tattoo with Travis though... ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Kylie Jenner has officially been broken up with Tyga for like, a bazillion years in celeb world now, and has happily moved on with fellow rapper, Travis Scott.


Now, taking another step to rid herself of her ex, Kylie has covered up the tattoo she got for him.

She had a lowercase ‘t’ tattooed on her ankle, and new pics show that she has altered it to now read, ‘la’.

Kylie Jenner

You can see the before pic here.

After having to alter a tattoo that was once dedicated to an ex, you would think Kylie may have had second thoughts about getting a matching tatt with current boyfie Travis, but nope, the two got small butterflies on the back of their ankles.


She must be serious with her new bae, especially since the two were spotted with matching diamond rings on THAT finger


Young love, amiright?!

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