Who knew that a simple Instagram selfie could land you in so much trouble?
Kendall Jenner is learning this lesson the hard way as her most recent upload has landed her in hot water.
The model shared a ~nude~ pic where, frankly, she looks fiyah AF. But it isn’t the nude part that’s offending people.
You’ll notice that Kenny is holding a cigarette while she casually lays across the table.
“I don’t smoke”, she captioned the pic.
So why the cig Kendall?
“Why do you take photos with cigs if you don’t?” One user wrote.
Another wrote: “You don’t smoke but you like to smell like them? I don’t understand”, while a third said she was a “bad influence” for “glamourising” smoking.
Okay at this point you’ve gotta wonder, is she intentionally ticking people off or…?