The whole world was up in arms after news broke that Justin Bieber has cancelled the remainder of his Purpose World Tour dates.
Many peeps have speculated that the reason for the cancellation is so that the Biebs can form his own church.
Now, new reports have emerged claiming that JB is emulating Taylor Swift‘s career move in taking some time out to get people all excited.

“He needs a break and is looking to take the longest break of his career. He might not be friends with Taylor Swift, but he admires how she can just disappear and give herself time and he is looking to doing that by getting out of the limelight and focusing on himself,” an insider told
“He was biting off more than he could chew and was over it and decided to cancel the rest of the tour because he’s nearly exhausted.”
When you think about it, this high-key makes sense.
First of all, he had been on the road for two years so OF COURSE he was going to burn out.
Also, Tay’s lil hiatus was a ~genius~ career move as people are more keen than ever to see what she comes up with next!
Nice one Biebs!
Now, here’s a live image of JB retreating to his cave for some down time: