
Jeffree Star is opening up a fast food chain that will sell pink burgers and cups of icing

CUPS of icing 🍰 🍰

Jeffree Star is so much more than a beauty influencer on YouTube. He’s a businessman…. something we saw with Shane Dawson’s documentary.


So we’re not surprised that he’s continuously making money moves.

During a recent livestream, Jeffree talked about future products he’s working on. In it, he seriously chatted to his fans about opening a fast food chain.

It came from the YouTube channel Snapped asking him about a tweet he made on November 28th where he discussed the possibility. 


“So many of you are going off about the Jeffree Star restaurant,” he said during the live stream. “It’s for real.”

“Jeffree Star icing, Jeffree Star burgers,” he imagined out loud. He even mentioned they are going to have vegan options.

“Just a cup of icing!” Jeffree said. “Like that’s all you guys would get. Imagine? ‘Hi, I want a medium icing cup.’ Yes, god, that will be everything.”


YEAH, we’re into it.

Fans were clearly keen for this idea. “I will buy the whole damn menu!!” one fan wrote.

“I will FLY to California just to try the food!” said someone who we can seriously relate to.


Stay tuned!

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