
This New Scientific Study About Harry Styles Face Will Make You Violently Roll Your Eyes

Because THIS is news apparently.

Anyone who has been dedicated to Harry Styles will know that his face is pure perfection.


So, in news that will come as a surprise to absolutely no one, Harry Styles tops this list of celebrity with “the most attractive face’.

We don’t need a scientific study to tell us that, but TBH, it’s nice evidence to throw in anyone’s face who dare to disagree.

Who can deny science!? 


OR those smouldering eyes…

A study published by The Centre For Advanced Facial Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery looked at the symmetry of celebrities faces, and then determined who others see as attractive.

So when Harry ended up at the top spot, nobody was surprised. We mean, have people seen his green eyes? Jaw? Perfect hair!??!? We could seriously go on forever.


To make the list, scientists have to study the distance of eyes, then divide that number by the eye’s length. Similar calculations go for the perfect chin.

Harry also made it to number 4 on the list of people with the perfect face shape. Zayn Malik was at number 9.

Unfortunately, Liam PayneNiall Horan nor Louis Tomlinson made the list, and that’s a serious disservice to them and they’re gorgeous heads.


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