Harry Styles‘ long-time friend Nick Grimshaw put Harry’s interests to the test during a segment on his radio show, BBC One.
The “Sweet Creature” singer was hooked up to a heart rate machine where Nick would show him various images and Harry’s heart rate would respond based on how he felt about the image.
When Nick whipped out a pic of shirtless Ryan Gosling from The Notebook, Harry responded: “He’s looking very handsome. It’s a good scene.”
After reflecting on the baben’ image for a moment, Harry’s heart rate rose to 80.

Shy lil Harry then shouted “No it’s not!”
But the machine don’t lie!

Next up, Harry was shown a pic of Zayn wearing a leather jacket with no shirt which made his heart rate decrease to a stable 67.
The shaaaaaaaaade, girl. The shade!

His heart rate went even lower when he was shown a pic of Victoria’s Secret model Camille Rowe who he ~famously~ followed on Instagram last year.
But despite all her fiyah uploads, ol’ Cammy just doesn’t get Harry’s heart rate going!
The thing that made Harry’s heart rate go the highest, however, was his most prized possession: a chelsea boot.
“Would you say that’s the biggest love of your life?” Grimmy asked.
“Probably!” Harry responded as his heart rate hit 100.
So the Gos shirtless and a pair of Chelsea boots may have gotten Harry all kinds of excited, but we all know what ~really~ would’ve gotten that heart rate going.

Watch the entire glorious game below…