Just like in the real world, Hollywood is rife with body shamers (ugh!) and loads of celebs from Ariel Winter to Gigi Hadid have opened up their awful experiences with the haters.
And the latest Hollywood star to share their experience is Chloë Grace Moretz who revealed that a male co-star once critcised her because of her size (which is perf BTW!).
“This guy that was my love interest was like, ‘I’d never date you in real life,’ and I was like, ‘What?’ And he was like, ‘Yeah, you’re too big for me’ — as in my size,” Moretz told Variety.
“It was one of the only actors that ever made me cry on set.”
She was so hurt by the incident that she went home and cried.
“It just makes you realise that there are some really bad people out there, and for some reason, he felt the need to say that to me,” she says.
Um, WOW! That is so not okay.
Being the classy gal that she is, Chlo didn’t disclose who the male star was, probz ‘cos she knew that we’d rock up to his house with torches and pitchforks.
She also revealed that in addition to being shamed for her size, she has also been slammed for her hair (???).
“Because I’m blond and there’s another blond in the movie, you can’t cast me?’” she says.
“That’s such a masculine way of looking at things.”

That literally makes NO sense.
What is wrong with people!?
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