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Harry Styles Fed A Fan’s Fish And Wrote Her A Letter From *Inside Her House*

It happened after his car broke down and the fan's dad let him in!!!

Harry Styles is the only perfect man. That is what the internet has gathered today after waking up to the news that after his car broke down, Harry Styles chilled out in a fan’s house, fed her fish and left her a sweet note. Yeah, we’re freaking out too. Twitter is absolutely losing it over Harry Styles superfan Theadora’s tale of not-meeting the “Golden” singer. According to pictures shared on her Instagram story, Styles was having car troubles and her father kindly let him in and helped him.

While he was just chilling in his fan’s house, Styles drank some tea, fed Theadora’s fish, signed her copy of his album Fine Line and even left her a sweet note. Here’s how it went:

“Theadora, my car broke down on your street and your dad’s friend kindly let me wait at your house with a cup of tea. I’m devastated that we missed each other. Looking forward to meeting you soon. Treat people with kindness. All my love, Harry. P.S. I fed the fish,” he wrote in a note. “Tell your dad to get in touch and I’ll see you at a show,” he added on what looks like a watermelon fridge magnet.

Stick a fork in us, we’re done.


The lucky fan in question did turn her Instagram private after her post went viral, but she has left a little extra nugget of information in her bio. “The fish is called Harry,” it reads. Bless this whole story and everyone involved.

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