
Alex Nation Dumps Bachelor Richie Strahan For Another Girl


Drama comes in absolute spades every year on The Bachelor, but no matter how dramatic this year’s series is… last year’s round is still making headlines.


Alex Nation was the last one standing to win Richie‘s heart last year, and since the finale, things seemed really good between the pair.

However, Richie has now flown to Bali to escape his intense break up with Alex, as it has been reported that she left him for another woman.

Alex is dating her fellow football player, Maegan Luxa, after also dating a guy from the same team. Yikes.


“Alex was dating our coach’s son, Dale White for two months prior to dating Maegan,” a player revealed to Woman’s Day.

“Dale plays for the Bombers too and she dumped him the night of our mid-season footy ball [July 15th] and went home with Maegan, instead. They’ve been joined at the hip since!” the source claims, adding that Dale was devastated by the betrayal after he had introduced Alex to his family.

Dale and Maegan.

Richie is now apparently feeling foolish, after he visited Alex and watched their football game in Melbourne.


“Richie was awesome when he came down to watch us,” says the source.

“He was chatty and just really normal, and when they were together you could see they really cared about one another.”

RIP to another Bachelor couple…


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